Building better environments

We keep an eye on issues around the world that affect people and property in the built environment.

While we may all be getting used to the idea of green buildings that help tackle climate change, another key factor in creating sustainable environments is to look at the human side of things. Healthy workplaces and spaces are environments that are conducive to human …

David McDonald #CleanAirDay In honour of Clean Air Day (, we are delighted to introduce David McDonald, Sonitus Systems’ web developer extraordinaire and lead developer of Dublin City Council’s air and noise reporting platform for the public:  Meet David After graduating from NUI Maynooth …

DM30 Dustsens | Monitoring Certification

The UK Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme for indicative ambient air monitors has awarded MCERTS approval to Ireland-based global environmental monitoring company, Sonitus Systems, for its air quality monitor product DM30 Dustsens. Founded in 2007 to help engineering teams automate environmental monitoring tasks, Sonitus Systems …

At the height of the pandemic, with mixed messaging around indoor air quality and other environmental elements that contribute to a ‘healthy building’, Deloitte published a smart building technologies guide. The purpose of this guide was to enable building owners and operators to ensure a …

Today, April 27th, marks the 27th annual International Noise Awareness Day, or INAD.  The idea to nominate a national day dedicated to raising awareness about the harmful effects of noise on hearing, health and quality of life was conceived by the Center for Hearing and …

Meet Roel van Oirschot International Technical Sales Manager Roel joined the Sonitus Systems team back in December 2020. He studied  Environmental Science at HAS University of Applied Science in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands and started his career at an industrial plant. There, he worked as an environmental …

“It is time for a national conversation on how better indoor air quality can help us all live healthier lives” More than two years on from the outbreak of Covid-19, business and world leaders are navigating the fine line between protecting their people, and getting …

Angela Team picks

Meet Angela  Angela, who joined the Sonitus Systems team in May 2020, holds a BSc. Hons. in Microbiology, a PhD in Lung Fibrosis and a Masters in Public Health (MPH). In addition to being the Quality Manager for Sonitus Systems, Angela is a senior air …